A short history of Flownative
Some milestones in the development of Neos and Flownative.
Flownative Beach is made publicly available
Beach, our cloud-based hosting tailored to fit Neos and Flow is made publicly available. It comes with a 30-day free trial, so why don't you give it a spin as well?
Of course it supports Neos 4.0 right away…
Neos 4.0 and Flow 5.0 are released
After a herculean effort by the whole team in general and our Christian in particular (he was the release manager) another major release of Neos and Flow was done.
Read more about it in the release announcement.
Flownative is Premium sponsor of the Neos Conference (again)
After the first Neos Conference in 2017 we decided to support the Neos Conference 2018 again (read our blog post about it) again. And after the 2018 conference we decided to support the Neos Conference 2019, to be happening in beautiful Dresden, again.
The Neos Foundation CIC is incorporated
The Neos Foundation CIC is backing the Neos project as a legal entity. It serves as a central point to collect funding and finance various project activities. In addition it holds the projects assets, like trademarks and right to the logo.
Read the announcement and why a CIC was chosen.
Two years of Flownative
Neos 3.0 and Flow 4.0 are released
The two releases represent a major effort of the Neos community and are a reason to celebrate. Read more about it in the release announcement.
Flownative becomes a Neos Gold supporter
One year of Flownative
Neos 2.1 is released
Neos 2.0 is released
Flownative is founded
Neos 1.1 and 1.2 are released
The first stable version of Neos 1.0 is released
A number of release parties around the globe–including as far away as India–are organized in December to celebrate the release of the first stable Neos release ever done.
Along with it, the underlying framework is renamed to Flow with the release of version 2.0.
The first stable version of FLOW3 1.0 is released
Christian joins the development team
Karsten joins the development full time
After already having worked with Robert for years, Karsten takes the plunge and starts to work full time on the project. Backed by the TYPO3 Association both can fully focus on research and development.