You want to update to Neos 9?
Updating to Neos 9 is different from previous major updates. Changes to Fusion and a new Content Repository can make this a challenge. We are here to help!
Whether you are thinking about upgrading an existing project to Neos 9 or are evaluating it for something new, chances are you have questions.
- What benefits would an upgrade provide?
- How hard is it to adjust existing code to Neos 9?
- What packages are ready for Neos 9 already?
- How much developer knowledge needs to be refreshed?
Some of these questions are hard to answer if you haven't followed the development of Neos 9 rather closely.
We have done that – and combined with years of experience in upgrading Flow and Neos projects we are confident that we can help you with answering (some) those questions.
Please fill in the form and describe your project's most important points. We will then contact you as soon as we can.
Feel free to leave your phone number in the message field to speed this up.
Then we can find the best way to help you with your upgrade to Neos 9!