The Neos Conference 2018 is over, and it was a blast! Following a sprint and a workshop it was two days packed with great talks, an awesome community and great spirit.
But to be honest: The Neos Conference is not about the talks (which were excellent), the location (which is hard to beat) or the organisation (which was awesome). It is about the experience of a common understanding and a spirit that is rare.
The week before the conference the Neos team again had a sprint, kindly hosted by sitegeist in their office. One day of said sprint was devoted to a team retrospective, which as usual contained reading out loud the prime directive:
Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available and the situation at hand.
And throughout the retro–as well as the following days of the sprint and the conference–it became clear that this holds true for the community at large. The values we share in the Neos team are shared by it's users as well.
We refrain from putting blame on others, but try to understand and thus have created an environment, in which constructive criticism leads to innovation instead of alienation. An environment in which people step down from tasks they can no longer perform, and are being hailed for that, instead of looked down at.
All that leads to an atmosphere of collaboration that is worth far more than technical merit or money. Without the people in the project, in the community, most of us would not be here. But together we can do truly amazing things.

That being said, let us look at the talks given during the conference a bit… We at Flownative were not only a premium sponsor (and shipped the full company staff to Hamburg) but were also involved in six talks throughout the conference.
Below you find all recordings the team of Flownative appears in… It starts with the opening keynote, covers insights into our F-Files and The Perfect Neos Project Setup as well as Everything About Assets and highly technical glimpses of the future of the Neos Content Repository…
The "Traditional" Welcome Keynote
The conference started with a keynote looking back at the past as well as looking into the (near) future. But it also hit topics like why a project like exists and what it needs to survive. Here are the slides "with nice photos, but not so much text," as Robert himself put it.
The F-Files – Insights from 3 Years of Neos Support
Christian dug through three years worth of support tickets on our systems and distilled the essence of it into a talk with a twist. The slides are not lost even after his arrest on stage, and here is at least an example for a Neos mono-repo setup he managed to put out into the internet…
The Perfect Neos Project Setup
There is no silver bullet, to be honest. But there are quite a few things you can do, to make your project setup easier to work with and generally less painful. Here are the slides for the talk.
The Event Sourced Content Repository for Neos
This talk started with an introduction by Robert on why we are working on something new for the Neos Content Repository. The session was continued by Sebastian and Bernhard, who are deeply involved with the currently ongoing rewrite of the Neos CR. They explain the technical details behind the graph-based and event-driven implementation. Here are the slides for the talk.
Everything About Assets
You probably have seen our separate blog post on this already, if not, head over to it to get the slides and more details in the first of a series of blog posts.
Your (Perfect) Neos Team for Success
Christian has learned a lot about building teams, and not only does a podcast on the perfect team, but also had a talk in the conference business track about the perfect Neos team and his personal core values: vulnerability, trust & respect.
Somehow that complements the perfect Neos project setup quite nicely. Slides for the talk are available, of course.
From the Labs
The last session we were involved in was a panel discussion on some of the trends the Neos team currently considers important. Finally Christian was not the only one on stage wearing a shirt…
All the Talks & more reading
Of course all the talks were filmed and streamed live, and all of them are available for you to view (again) in the Neos Conference 2018 playlist.
And others blogged about the conference, of course. Here is an english post by sandstorm media, Our take on Neos Conference 2018, and a german one by techdivision, Neos Conference 2018: "Eventually Consistent".
Update: Here is another german post by internezzo, Neos Conference 2018.
See you in Dresden, 2019!
And the next conference date and location are already set: The 2019 Neos Conference will be in Dresden on the 10th & 11th of May. Learn more at the 2019 conference website.
